Sunday, February 23, 2020

Political Science 1 Introduction to Government Research Paper

Political Science 1 Introduction to Government - Research Paper Example Depending with the states laws, an official is allowed to run for re-election once the term is over. In the United States, system of government is categorized as the representative democracy; American citizens do not directly make any government decisions. This is because they elect officials to govern their affairs. It is common for most elections to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in the November in the year they happen, however, elections for public offices may be held any time depending on the state law (Trent, pp 36-194). After the American constitution was written in 1787, it indicated that every state had the mandate to determine who could vote in elections, African-Americans and women were denied their voting rights. Nevertheless, in 1870 the 15th amendment was passed that allowed male African Americans to vote, in 1920, the 19th amendments was enacted which allowed women to vote, the next November saw millions of American women voting in presidential elections for the first time. Nevertheless, the election of the president and the vice president of the United States remains an indirect vote, in this process the citizens cast ballots for a slate of members of the US Electoral College these people are the ones who are constitutionally mandated to directly elect the president and his vice president. The presidential elections are organised to occur quadrennial where the count starts from 1792 on the Election Day Tuesday between November 2 and eighth. These dates are made to coincide with various oth er federal states and local races (Trent, pp 36-194). The electro process in the United States is highly regulated by a combination of the federal and state laws. Each state is allocated a number of Electoral College electors whom are made to be equal to the number of its senators and representatives in the U.S congress. Connectively, in Washington D.C the number of electors is equal to the number held by

Friday, February 7, 2020

RS DB 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

RS DB 2 - Research Paper Example Revenue for sales is always associated with expenses. The common expenses are cost of revenue or cost of goods sold, general and administrative expenses, non-recessing expenses, and other expenses. The above-mentioned expenses when added to the revenue we get gross profit or loss, and operating income or loss. This assignment will limit to Radio Shacks sales revenue. The activities mentioned above are operating activities. Operating activities in business are associated with the revenue and expenses or in other word cash inflows and outflows. Thus, operational activity in accounting is called cash flow. This assignment will limit to the study of Radio Shack’s cash flow from the operation in the fiscal 2010 year. Cash flow from operations may be calculated using direct or indirect method. This assignment will use the indirect method. Necessary data, in this purpose, will be acquired from company’s Income statement and Balance sheet (Yahoo; YCHARTS). Sales Revenue for yea r 2010 = 4,265,200,000 (Yahoo) Cash at the beginning of the year 2010 = 908,200,000 (YCHARTS a) Operating Cash Flow (OCF) calculation (Accounting Explained) Net income 190,700,000 Adjustment to the net income 38,600,000 Depreciation 99,200,000 Net payable 600,100,000 Deferred Tax 12,000,000 Net Receivable -377,500,000 OCF 563,100,000 Cash at the end 2010 = Cash at the beginning + OCF = 908,200,000 + 563,100,000 = 1,471,300,000 However, according to the company Cash flow (YCHARTS a) statement, cash at the end of 2010 was 569,400,000. This shows that company did not collect all revenue, which is also shown through the increase in receivable from 2009 to 2010 (YCHARTS b). The company made more sales than cash collections. Question 2 Sales revenue and Net income trend analysis Radio Shack 2008 2009 Growth / Decline 2010 Growth / Decline 2011    Sales 4,224,000,000 4,276,000,000 1.23% 4,266,000,000 -0.23% 4,378,000,000 2.63% Net income 189,400,000 205,000,000 8.24% 206,100,000 0.54% 72 ,200,000 -64.97% Cost of revenue 2,302,000,000 2,314,000,000 0.52% 2,352,000,000 1.64% 2,567,000,000 9.14% Gross profit 1,923,000,000 1,962,000,000 2.03% 1,914,000,000 -2.45% 1,811,000,000 -5.38% BestBuy Sales    45,020,000,000    49,690,000,000 10.37% 49,750,000,000 0.12% Net income    1,003,000,000    1,317,000,000 31.31% 1,277,000,000 -3.04% The above table shows Radio Shack’s Sales and Net income trend for years from 2008 to 2011. Revenue from sales during this period was more or less stable; though in 2009, it was increased by 1.23 % with respect to the previous year; in 2010 decreased by – 0.23 %, and in 2011 again increased by 2.63 %. Net income trend was quite erratic; in 2009, it increased by 8.24 % with respect to the previous year, then it dropped in 2010. In 2011 net income dropped by 65 % with respect to the previous year. The company Income Statement did not show any dramatic increase in operating expenses. However, it was observed that both in 20 10 and 2011 when net income dropped gross profit also dropped. Drop in net income in 2010 and 2011 should be attributed to decrease in gross profit. The decrease in gross profit is associated with the increase in cost of revenue, which is displayed in the above table. Study of net income of Radio Shack’s competitor Best Buy also shows a decrease in net income in 2011 with respect to 2011. We may conclude that year 2011 decrease in net income as a trend; however, Radio Shack’s net income drop in 2011 was much higher than its competitor Best