Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marketing Giant of the Desert

Palm Springs is a city in California mostly known for its great attractions and countless fun exciting things to do. In a way it's more of a Vacation Resort than anything else. Palm Springs strives off tourism, it is the most important income in the whole city after sales taxes and property taxes. Tourists visit Palm Springs mostly in the winter when everything is open to the public. During the winter is when most events in Palm Springs occur aswell. It is a city of numerous festivals, conventions, and international events. Here is a revenue list of 2009-2010 for Palm Springs.As seen taxes is one of the highest revenues. The city markets to many major segments mostly all of them have to do with tourism. They focus a lot on marketing hotels, stores for shopping, and attractions and events. Smaller segments involve marketing dining/nightlife, and accommodations. These audiences are reached through a variety of ways. It can be the internet, television, or simply word of mouth. They try very hard to make sure there offers are well known and properly displayed to the public simply because tourism is one of the major factors of the city.Some external factors the city cannot control are issues like a down economy. During a recession people worry about saving and investing money not touring. Everyone's budget is tight and during times like these Palm Springs is very much like a business, not making the sales it once was and lowering prices in order to make sure some sort of revenue keeps coming in. The city's promotional marketing is definitely seasonal, the heaviest months are during the winter when it is nice and cool. During this period all shops and attractions are open. The price is also very high during winter for anything.The lightest months are during the summer. This is due to because Palm Springs is a desert area and during summer it can reach up to 120 degrees. The city lowers prices on everything like golf, hotels, clubs, and offers all sorts of other summe r discounts. You can stay at an expensive resort for a fraction of the price it costs during winter. Here is an more accurate estimate of the weather in Palm Springs. Many years ago the city ran into a problem though, which cost them big-time in the long run. The mayor of Palm Springs stopped what was a major event in the city during Spring break.College students who usually went during Spring break stopped coming and eventually it stopped altogether. The city realized how big a mistake this was due to all the money being lost that was generated during this time span of when college students would go to Palm Springs to have a good time. They tried marketing to young adults aged 18-27 years old but it was already too late. This was probably one of the biggest mistakes the mayor made by losing a lot of revenue for the city. Palm Springs has marketed towards gay/lesbian groups more than any other group.There really was no touring place that openly invited gay people in directly and Pal m Springs recognized that. It is now one of America's top destinations for gay and lesbian travelers. There are more than two dozen hotels marketed just for gay and lesbian couples. Gays and Lesbians aren't afraid to spend money. And when they do spend money they don't just spend a little. That is one of the major reasons Palm Springs markets so many things to them. Gay people feel comfortable here especially since Palm Springs has elected its first openly gay Mayor who stood up to the former Mayor for criticizing gay events.Gay people have become the new target market for Palm Springs. They are used in advertisements to make gay people feel welcomed and appreciated. The internet plays a key role in marketing to this specific group. Most of the information we receive everyday is now given through the Internet, When someone Gay or Lesbian see's all these amazing sites and locations designated just for them they automatically have the tendency to want to go there instead of somewhere else where there afraid they might be judged.This marketing approach has also generated some problems for the city aswell. Many straight people might feel the need not to go there if they object against gay or lesbian couples. Overall the community is affected the most. Many gay and lesbian couples have moved into Palm Springs which can affect some of the older residents who have been there their whole lives and don't appreciate this change. But overall no huge problems have occurred from this marketing approach.Palm Springs wants to make sure its visitors are pleased with their stays. They conduct surveys which ask if they were happy and if not what were some common problems they were not pleased with. Through these surveys they also get to know there visitors more, those who visit Palm Springs once generally come back at least 3 times in the next 5 years. Gay visitors come back 4 times in a span of 5 years. These surveys show that gay people are overall more interested in Palm Spr ings than others.A median of spending for a person visiting Palm Springs is $900. These numbers are mostly during a high economy though when people are willing to spend. In conclusion Palm Springs works as a business, they have marketing programs which target specific groups and they operate as any other business would. Most people believe it to be just desert, filled with old people, extremely hot, and just a dead city. However Palm Springs is much more than that once you have actually went and seen it for yourself.

Infancy and Early Childhood Development

Infancy and early childhood are referred to as those immature years of life and the stage at which most of a child’s development occurs. To strengthen the development of a child’s learning one must understand the physical and mental factors that affect a child’s development through observation and interaction. Development begins during the prenatal period on up to the early years and depends on the nutritional, medical, emotional, and intellectual support of parents, family members, caregivers, and teachers (Cherry, 2011). Parenting styles also play a role in what influences development as well as early childhood education programs. During the prenatal period when a child’s development begins, thus being aware of many factors that can damage the fetus and the development of a healthy child. In the early years the development of physical growth is through constant change. A key component in a child’s development is based on good nutrition as well as motor milestones needed for a child to succeed. Piaget and many other theorists refer to stages of specific age that defines the milestones reached. However, every child is different and so are there developmental successes (Berger, 2008). Infants develop skills based on their experiences in exploring the world around them. Physical play allows them to develop coordination as well as stronger muscles. Sensory skills are developed through taste, smell, touch, seeing, hearing, and from that perception is gained. Motor, sensory, and perceptual skills are supported by stimulation and a caring environment. Cognitive development occurs when a child becomes aware of physical sensations such as his or her mouth, hands, and feet. This is when an infant will explore and begin to understand what is around them (Berger, 2008). It is through early childhood that physical and neuropsychological changes help to increase coordination, control, manipulation, and movement through refining motor and perceptual skills. A good example of refining motor skills is through lacing and threading when tying their shoes as well as writing and drawing. It is these changes that create the milestones of such development. Environmental stimulus creates neurological development to control body functions to succeed in sports and other body-related skills. To enable such development to master such skills one must provide children with the opportunities of a challenging environment to learn and improve on such skills. The importance of childhood development is based on peer relationships, social play, and emotional development that help them build on self and moral values. As children engage in such play, he or she will begin to explore ways to solve problems as well as how they view other’s perspectives (Berger, 2008). It is through a stimulating and supportive environment that will allow a child to develop. The support of the parents, family members, and other individuals will help a child develop self-concept and self-esteem to learn and grow, and will be the foundation for building strong relationships with the ability to express emotion. Such a foundation will allow a child to develop by exploring new situations and being able to build on that to create healthy relationships (Berger, 2008). Parenting Styles and their Influence Family structure also affects both cognitive and emotional development of a child and is based on the size of the family and what order the child was born. However, a child’s performance is based on how safe and secure the child feels as well as an environment that provides warmth, consistency, and family communication. Family structure also leads to other factor that influences childhood development and the styles in which parents teach that may or may not be a supportive foundation. A clinical psychologist named Diane Baumrind discovered that there were four styles of parenting; however, three styles were displayed most. Her discovery came from a study that she had conducted on more than 100 children. This study of parenting and its effects on children displayed many aspects of parenting such as strategies of discipline, parental nurturance, styles of communication, and one’s level maturity and control. Observation from such dimensions created what is known as the four styles of parenting. Authoritarian Parenting Authoritarian parenting was a style of parenting that expected children to follow the rules and obey. Good behavior was rewarded; whereas, bad behavior was punished. This style of parenting felt as though they needed to give no eason other than â€Å"they said so. † Communication between parent and child was minimal with no response to child. Children who grew up from this type of parenting ranked lower in happiness, social competence, and self-esteem. Children are not allowed to make their own choices and given limited freedom. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting is similar to that of authoritarian in terms of establishing rules and guidelines to follow, but much more democratic. However, this style of parenting is more responsive to their children. Though standards are set high there is room for decision-making. Parents are more willing to listen to their children and be more supportive rather than punitive. This style of parenting tends to result in happier children. These children tend to achieve higher grades in school, and have less social problems. Authoritative parenting helps children develop self-sufficiency and independence. This is the style of parenting I believe is most effective because it offers the most balanced approach to parenting. Parents enforce rules and limits, but do so to protect their children rather than stifle them. This style of parenting enforces rules when they need to but also allows their children to make mistakes and learn from them when the situation does not require strong discipline. Permissive Parenting Permissive parenting is what many refer to as understanding parents. They demand less and seldom discipline their children and create substandard assumptions of maturity level and self-control. Baumrind believes that indulgent parents are less demanding and more responsive. This parenting style would prefer to be a friend rather than a parent and can be a detriment because it teaches the child; rules do not need to be followed; thus, creating defiance of authority without worrying about the consequences of others. Children taught from this style of parenting tend to have low self-esteem, lack of self-control, and do poorly in school. These children will have difficulty in society associating with their peers and creating healthy relationships. Uninvolved parenting Uninvolved parenting ranks lowest of all life domains. This style of parenting makes few demands and communicates very little with little responsiveness. Uninvolved parents are detached from the lives of their children other than fulfilling basic needs and there are some instances in which the parents even neglect those. These children often feel rejected and lack in self-control, self-esteem, and rank less competent than the rest of their peers (Cherry, 2011). The way our children show respect, obedience, and discipline is created by the style a parent teaches his or her child. The nurturing support and love we provide is crucial to the development of our children and provide the means of our children being happy and healthy. Those children who learn better probably have a secure family life and supportive environment that will allow mistakes to be made from which children learn from without judgment being passed. By creating such a positive environment our children can explore, and we help to create those positive influences that allow children to succeed. Childhood Education and How it Influences Cognitive Development Childhood education is those activities and experiences created by educational programs and strategies intended to effect developmental changes in children. However, it begins in the home at an early age. As parents, we begin by being supportive of our child’s abilities while making sure that he or she is making all the necessary connections. Parents should be reading and singing as well as pointing out objects located in one’s environment and developing conversations with our children that builds on vocabulary. Allowing children to draw or color allows them to be expressive and gain that hand-eye coordination. Childcare givers also increase the benefits of our children’s development with giving them more conversation and interacting with other children. This type of setting allows them to try diverse activities and allows them to visit new places. In doing so, this will help to increase their thinking skills and teach them to follow directions. From this point, our children go into the pre-k programs and kindergarten. In general, children engage in much pretend play, thus building on cognitive skills by allowing the children to read others intentions, encouraging social interaction and helping them to distinguish between genuine and imaginary. This allows children to take on a social role representing reality through make believe. This stimulates the child’s ability to think for him or herself. Therefore, childhood play contributes to human development and allows the child to express by pretending social roles. Conclusion In conclusion, children continue to grow and learn as they move from infancy to toddler, and to school age. However, it is not just the physical aspects, but the cognitive aspects of thinking, imaginative play as well as language maturity. A child’s emotional, social, moral, and sexual factors are growing as well. In knowing those factors, one will obtain a better understanding about the importance of family influences, parenting styles, and childhood education. However, to understand these influences are not the only factors in the development of our children. The key is to apply practical everyday knowledge in how we care for our children and what it takes to meet their needs. Infancy and Early Childhood Development As a child develops families play a role in teaching the child. The first role is done through the five senses as a child’s brain develops. Parents are also responsible for making sure a child stays healthy. Piaget says that a child will learn through experiments in his or her world. Erickson and Freud also have ideas on family interaction in childhood development. Along with interaction a parent has different styles to bring up a child. These styles can help shape the child as he or she grows into adults. Early childhood education and cognitive development also play a role in childhood development also.Families affect development through interaction with a child, the parenting style used by the parent will also help shape the child as he or she grows, along with early education and cognitive development. Families play a role in infancy and early child development. Early childhood experience is in two categories; experience-dependent (cultural-bound) and experience-expectant ( universal) that aid in brain growth (Berger, 2008). As the brain grows senses and motor skills such as seeing, mobility progress, and hearing improve. The child’s environment helps with this as the brain will respond to different particulars in life.Also in the biosocial aspect of development is health, a child will grow at expected rates and have better survival rates when the parents or caregivers practice healthy habits for the child such as immunization and nutrition, and regular well child check-ups. Another view of family effects on development comes from cognitive views of Piaget. Piaget’s work on sensorimotor intelligence and information processing says that infants progress from knowing their world through experiments. The child is shown objects by the parent and the parent tells the child what he or she is seeing, such as a cup, ball, or bottle.This communication with the child is how the family helps the child with language development. According Berger (200 8), by one an infant can speak about two words, and by the age of two languages explodes, and at the toddler ages a child capable of speaking in short sentences. The last role from parents in the developing child comes from psychosocial theories. Emotions play a basic role in newborns two aspects of the role of emotions are from Erickson and Freud. Erickson’s theory is one of trust versus mistrust, and Freud’s theory is one of oral and anal stages. Both theories express the guidance given by parents to help raise their children.Parents and children play together, which helps develop social skills and attachment. Through attachment a child learns to explore and become independent in his or her world (Berger, 2008). Social play and attachment encourage social confidence. Besides play a parent must use a style to raise the child. Parenting styles vary the three most used styles consist of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritarian parents controls, evalua tes behavior, and attitudes of the child with standard rules of conduct. A child who fails to follow the set rules normally receives punishment with no explanation regarding why.According to Baumrind (1991), these parents are â€Å"status and obedience oriented, and expect rules to be followed without explanation. † The authoritative parent also sets rules for his or her child. Authoritative parenting styles also sets rules for a child but unlike the authoritarian parent the parent is much more democratic about it. This parenting style permits the parent to be more responsive to the child’s needs, and listen to questions and concerns the child may have. The child is not punished when he or she does not meet expectations of the parent as the parent is more nurturing, and forgiving.Discipline with the authoritative parent is more supportive than punitive, as the parent wants the child to be assertive, socially responsible, self-regulating, and cooperative (Baumrind, 1991 ). The last of the three parenting styles is permissive. The permissive parent consults with the child about decisions, gives reasons for rules, and makes few demands of the child. The permissive parent is more of a resource for the child to use, and is not active in shaping or altering the child. The permissive parent will try to manipulate the child to arrive at desired results but will not show power over the child (Baumrind, 1991).Of the three parenting stages authoritative parenting has the best balance. Authoritative parents want for the child, helps shape the child into an upstanding citizen while nurturing and firm in rules. This parenting style values the expressiveness of the child, and still setting standards for the child. The authoritative parent will also be objective, uses reason, power, and shapes and reinforces achievements and objective for the child, but does this with consensus of the child and the child’s desires (Baumrind, 1991). Besides parenting educat ion and cognitive development are important for a child.Early childhood education can began in the 1800s with private classes in a person’s home. Serious studies of cognition and early education began with Piaget’s work in defining stages of development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are both famous for theories on cognition, and early learning of young children. Piaget whom began his career as a biologist teaching in a boy’s school found an interest in child development after helping design a test on intelligence. His theory was that a child could not perform tasks until he or she was psychologically mature enough (Berger, 2008).His second stage or preoperational stage works in the classroom with the child using language to define objects. Vygotsky theory on early childhood learning is more of a social one. Vygotsky theory is a basis of young children’s thinking being self-centered and at time magical. His theory was a second aspect of cognition; young ch ildren can be sensitive to other people’s emotions and wishes. Every aspect of child development is in social context, children are curious and observant. Vygotsky called this apprentice in thinking, as older children and adults are the teachers of society.Younger children are guided participates as they learn to think from their mentors. Vygotsky belief was that children could do anything with the assistance of others in their social network (Berger, 2008). In conclusion as the brain grows, the interaction from the parent helps the brain develop, along with parent keeping a healthy regimen. Parent and caregiver interacting with the child helps the child learn language. The three parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive help shape with rules and responsibilities.The well balanced parenting style is authoritative; allowing the child to understand why he or she is receives punishment, shapes and reinforces the child, and takes the child’s feeling in to consideration. Early childhood education began in the 1800s. Piaget and Vygotsky both believed that education was important. Piaget thought that a child learned he or she was psychologically mature enough. Vygotsky belief was that children learn from others and could do anything with the help from their mentors. Cognition is needed to help a child learn, develop, and grow. Infancy and Early Childhood Development Infancy and early childhood are referred to as those immature years of life and the stage at which most of a child’s development occurs. To strengthen the development of a child’s learning one must understand the physical and mental factors that affect a child’s development through observation and interaction. Development begins during the prenatal period on up to the early years and depends on the nutritional, medical, emotional, and intellectual support of parents, family members, caregivers, and teachers (Cherry, 2011). Parenting styles also play a role in what influences development as well as early childhood education programs. During the prenatal period when a child’s development begins, thus being aware of many factors that can damage the fetus and the development of a healthy child. In the early years the development of physical growth is through constant change. A key component in a child’s development is based on good nutrition as well as motor milestones needed for a child to succeed. Piaget and many other theorists refer to stages of specific age that defines the milestones reached. However, every child is different and so are there developmental successes (Berger, 2008). Infants develop skills based on their experiences in exploring the world around them. Physical play allows them to develop coordination as well as stronger muscles. Sensory skills are developed through taste, smell, touch, seeing, hearing, and from that perception is gained. Motor, sensory, and perceptual skills are supported by stimulation and a caring environment. Cognitive development occurs when a child becomes aware of physical sensations such as his or her mouth, hands, and feet. This is when an infant will explore and begin to understand what is around them (Berger, 2008). It is through early childhood that physical and neuropsychological changes help to increase coordination, control, manipulation, and movement through refining motor and perceptual skills. A good example of refining motor skills is through lacing and threading when tying their shoes as well as writing and drawing. It is these changes that create the milestones of such development. Environmental stimulus creates neurological development to control body functions to succeed in sports and other body-related skills. To enable such development to master such skills one must provide children with the opportunities of a challenging environment to learn and improve on such skills. The importance of childhood development is based on peer relationships, social play, and emotional development that help them build on self and moral values. As children engage in such play, he or she will begin to explore ways to solve problems as well as how they view other’s perspectives (Berger, 2008). It is through a stimulating and supportive environment that will allow a child to develop. The support of the parents, family members, and other individuals will help a child develop self-concept and self-esteem to learn and grow, and will be the foundation for building strong relationships with the ability to express emotion. Such a foundation will allow a child to develop by exploring new situations and being able to build on that to create healthy relationships (Berger, 2008). Parenting Styles and their Influence Family structure also affects both cognitive and emotional development of a child and is based on the size of the family and what order the child was born. However, a child’s performance is based on how safe and secure the child feels as well as an environment that provides warmth, consistency, and family communication. Family structure also leads to other factor that influences childhood development and the styles in which parents teach that may or may not be a supportive foundation. A clinical psychologist named Diane Baumrind discovered that there were four styles of parenting; however, three styles were displayed most. Her discovery came from a study that she had conducted on more than 100 children. This study of parenting and its effects on children displayed many aspects of parenting such as strategies of discipline, parental nurturance, styles of communication, and one’s level maturity and control. Observation from such dimensions created what is known as the four styles of parenting. Authoritarian Parenting Authoritarian parenting was a style of parenting that expected children to follow the rules and obey. Good behavior was rewarded; whereas, bad behavior was punished. This style of parenting felt as though they needed to give no eason other than â€Å"they said so. † Communication between parent and child was minimal with no response to child. Children who grew up from this type of parenting ranked lower in happiness, social competence, and self-esteem. Children are not allowed to make their own choices and given limited freedom. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting is similar to that of authoritarian in terms of establishing rules and guidelines to follow, but much more democratic. However, this style of parenting is more responsive to their children. Though standards are set high there is room for decision-making. Parents are more willing to listen to their children and be more supportive rather than punitive. This style of parenting tends to result in happier children. These children tend to achieve higher grades in school, and have less social problems. Authoritative parenting helps children develop self-sufficiency and independence. This is the style of parenting I believe is most effective because it offers the most balanced approach to parenting. Parents enforce rules and limits, but do so to protect their children rather than stifle them. This style of parenting enforces rules when they need to but also allows their children to make mistakes and learn from them when the situation does not require strong discipline. Permissive Parenting Permissive parenting is what many refer to as understanding parents. They demand less and seldom discipline their children and create substandard assumptions of maturity level and self-control. Baumrind believes that indulgent parents are less demanding and more responsive. This parenting style would prefer to be a friend rather than a parent and can be a detriment because it teaches the child; rules do not need to be followed; thus, creating defiance of authority without worrying about the consequences of others. Children taught from this style of parenting tend to have low self-esteem, lack of self-control, and do poorly in school. These children will have difficulty in society associating with their peers and creating healthy relationships. Uninvolved parenting Uninvolved parenting ranks lowest of all life domains. This style of parenting makes few demands and communicates very little with little responsiveness. Uninvolved parents are detached from the lives of their children other than fulfilling basic needs and there are some instances in which the parents even neglect those. These children often feel rejected and lack in self-control, self-esteem, and rank less competent than the rest of their peers (Cherry, 2011). The way our children show respect, obedience, and discipline is created by the style a parent teaches his or her child. The nurturing support and love we provide is crucial to the development of our children and provide the means of our children being happy and healthy. Those children who learn better probably have a secure family life and supportive environment that will allow mistakes to be made from which children learn from without judgment being passed. By creating such a positive environment our children can explore, and we help to create those positive influences that allow children to succeed. Childhood Education and How it Influences Cognitive Development Childhood education is those activities and experiences created by educational programs and strategies intended to effect developmental changes in children. However, it begins in the home at an early age. As parents, we begin by being supportive of our child’s abilities while making sure that he or she is making all the necessary connections. Parents should be reading and singing as well as pointing out objects located in one’s environment and developing conversations with our children that builds on vocabulary. Allowing children to draw or color allows them to be expressive and gain that hand-eye coordination. Childcare givers also increase the benefits of our children’s development with giving them more conversation and interacting with other children. This type of setting allows them to try diverse activities and allows them to visit new places. In doing so, this will help to increase their thinking skills and teach them to follow directions. From this point, our children go into the pre-k programs and kindergarten. In general, children engage in much pretend play, thus building on cognitive skills by allowing the children to read others intentions, encouraging social interaction and helping them to distinguish between genuine and imaginary. This allows children to take on a social role representing reality through make believe. This stimulates the child’s ability to think for him or herself. Therefore, childhood play contributes to human development and allows the child to express by pretending social roles. Conclusion In conclusion, children continue to grow and learn as they move from infancy to toddler, and to school age. However, it is not just the physical aspects, but the cognitive aspects of thinking, imaginative play as well as language maturity. A child’s emotional, social, moral, and sexual factors are growing as well. In knowing those factors, one will obtain a better understanding about the importance of family influences, parenting styles, and childhood education. However, to understand these influences are not the only factors in the development of our children. The key is to apply practical everyday knowledge in how we care for our children and what it takes to meet their needs.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effect of Toluene and Xylene in solvents on humans Essay

Toluene and Xylene are some of the major compounds in the solvents that affect the humans. Both, Toluene and Xylene, exert some effects like irritation at the site of contact and CNS depression. Irritation Solvents are in liquid form when at room temperature, but they are volatile too. When these solvents are in liquid form, once they come in contact with the skin, irritation may occur. When they are volatile, inhalation of these vapors may cause irritation in the respiratory track and the vapors may cause irritation to the eyes even. CNS Depression CNS depression is defined as the consistent effect of these solvents at sufficiently high levels of exposure. The symptoms are disorientation, giddiness, and euphoria. The syndrome may progress to paralysis, convulsions and unconsciousness. Death may ensue. The mechanism is not clear yet but the observation that narcosis (CNS Depression) was related to the solubility of toluene and Xylene in lipid and not at all related to their chemical structure, and hence suggested that narcosis resulted from CNS cell dysfunction following solubilizing of the solvents in the cell membrane. There are also a variety of specific effects of toluene and Xylene in solvents on humans. The diversity of these effects is a result of the different metabolic being formed. They are effect on liver, kidneys, nervous system, and hematopoietic system.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Role of the Project Manager Literature review

The Role of the Project Manager - Literature review Example Most often, the project manager is responsible for fulfilling these tasks, but sometimes higher level management or purchasing departments play significant roles in the process. (Mindtools, 2008, pg. 1). According to EPIQ (2008), the process of procurement management provides some very valuable benefits to organizations. One of the most prominent benefits is reduced costs on the part of the company. Another highly praised benefit is time savings. Yet another is the ability of efficient procurement management to reduce redundancies in job tasks and positions. If an organization chooses to adopt a procurement management system, certain job tasks become automated, producing quicker and smoother results. Centralization is also an important feature of procurement management, so this helps to eliminate redundancies throughout the organization as well. Eliminating redundant jobs often opens up equipment and space for the organization, thereby allowing it to be used for better and more efficient purposes or be disposed of for extra income. Â  Projects are infiltrated with multiple relationships occurring amongst the different parties involved in the scenario, and the project manager must continuously monitor those relationships. These relationships involve parties such as clients, employees, top management officials, or organization partners. Essentially, the project manager is at the very center of the project. (2007, pg. 1) The scenario states that I have performed various procurement tasks in the past, hence me being chosen as the project manager. First of all, I have a great deal of experience with the system that is being upgraded. Secondly, I have managed previous upgrade projects for the company. For this particular package, I have also performed roles as a business analyst, developer, and tester for individual and related projects in the past. If the PM has not completed those activities, who in the organization hasThis particular project is expected to affect the billing and customer service departments the most. The idea is to reduce the time it takes to collect accounts receivable, reduce costs, and improve overall customer satisfaction. The billing staff has no proficiency with web applications as they will be seeing with the upgrade, but the customer service staff does.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An Analysis of the Juvenile Justice System Research Paper

An Analysis of the Juvenile Justice System - Research Paper Example Because many commonalities are shared by the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, it is often easy to confuse the overall goals and mechanisms which drive them. The most notable contrast between the juvenile justice system and the adult criminal justice system is the fact that the juvenile justice system has it its core the goal and desire to rehabilitate the offender rather than merely punish him/her for the crime. Because of the varying degrees of compatibility and comparison between the two systems, this analysis will examine Supreme Court rulings in order to show a pattern of differentiation and evolution of juvenile justice over time. 1 In re Winship 397 U.S. 358, 90 S.Ct. 1068 (1970) The first case in question is case 397 U.S. 358 (In re Winship). The case revolved around a 12 year old who was charged with stealing money from a woman’s purse inside a store. Although the defendant was seen running from the scene, the Supreme Court determined that the preponderance of evidence alone was not sufficient to convict the juvenile of the crime; instead, the court ruling upheld that juvenile justice cases must be held to the same rigor that traditional criminal justice cases are in that it must be proved beyond â€Å"reasonable doubt† that the accused was guilty. ... need not operate under the same standards of law that applied to adult courts because the juvenile justice system was intended to save rather than to punish. Rather, the Supreme Court sided with the defense and ruled that proof beyond reasonable doubt as well as the existence of a preponderance of evidence was necessary to adjudicate cases within the juvenile justice system. To an extent, this case further restricted the existing juvenile justice system. Prior to this precedent, the juvenile justice system was not beholden to many of the guiding standards that affected traditional criminal cases. As a result, the juvenile justice system encouraged an judicial atmosphere of â€Å"make it up as you go along†. Unfortunately, this type of attitude did not lend itself to the appropriate dispensation of justice. Judges were taking liberties with the notion that they were responsible for saving the accused youth; thereby encouraging the judges to err on the side of caution when handi ng down sentences in the hopes that they might reform an errant youth. Although the Supreme Court upheld the right of the juvenile justice courts to correct the youth as well as punish them, the constraints of how the judges were to go about â€Å"correcting† the youth was significantly altered. 2 McKeiver v. Pennsylvania 403 U.S. 528, 91 S.Ct. 1976 (1971) In much the same vein, 403 U.S. 528 worked to create further delineations of due process within the juvenile justice system. The case regarded a 16 year old boy who was charged with robbery, larceny, and the receipt of stolen property. The case hinged upon the fact that the youth was only provided with a few moments to meet with his attorney prior to going before the judge. Because of the overall lack of legal defense preparedness, the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mark Rothko - Contradiction between flatness and depth Research Paper

Mark Rothko - Contradiction between flatness and depth - Research Paper Example The essay "Mark Rothko - Contradiction between flatness and depth" discusses the art of Mark Rothko. In 1923, he went to visit one of his friends at the Art students’ league in New York where he got the opportunity to see students sketching. This really impressed him and later he decided to enroll in a school of design. One of the instructors that he met was artist Arshile Gorky. Out of the passion he had for art, he undertook other classes at the Art Students League. At the time, painters in New York were having many shows to display their artistic expressions and this largely helped Rothko as an artist. Rothko had his first art gallery show in the contemporary art gallery in New York. He displayed fifteen paintings that were mostly portraits and some drawings that were all oil based paintings. â€Å"The ten† was a group that was formed by some artists including Mark Rothko during the late 1935. Their main mission was to object the alleged equivalence of literal painti ng and American painting. At this time his art started to evolve and he came to the conclusion that his paintings will be influenced by symbols and mythological fables and it became more evident in his later works. This made him gain a reputation amongst people his age and also those who had an eye for art in terms of painting. He then later on changed his works from mythological forms and representations to the use of rectangular smooth fields of light and color. From 1946, Mark Rothko came up with a number of artistic expressions.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Policy and Issues in Public Health Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Policy and Issues in Public Health - Article Example This journey had witnessed an evolution, and government involvement in active policy making is attempting to harvest the fruit of current knowledge in this area. The most important paradigm shift has perhaps resulted from the increased emphasis on the role and contribution of individual behaviour and lifestyles to disease causation. Consequently, the public health programmes follow the policies and strategies to modify them at the community level, where both population and individual interventions are being increasingly practiced. Obviously, there would be sociopolitical critiques of such policies. Eventually, enhanced research leading to greater understanding of different factors on specific public health problems has revealed that socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental factors may influence health-related behaviour and thus may affect health status (Hunter, 2002). Public health policy relates to several areas of intervention. The health administration and planning processes must recognise these levels since resource allocation would depend on the gravity and level of the problem. Community health and health protection is an important level that deals with people in their social and environmental contexts. It is now known that people's health is determined by not only personal characteristics, biological and genetic endowments, but also environmental influences of physical nature. Some of these influences originate in the community and work through the influence on their behaviour and coping strategies. In the context of the current UK public health scenario, the government is demonstrative of its anxiety to fulfill its commitment to preventative health through different public health policy agenda. Hunter (2005) has indicated that public health and related policies are of central importance. One of the reasons for this growing interest in pub lic health and community intervention strategies is the new knowledge that many preventable chronic diseases, due to lack of definitive public health policies have assumed epidemic proportions. Moreover, these diseases once established would add up to the mounting costs in healthcare services. This led to the need of change of approach towards prevention of these diseases and health improvement of the population. Strong et al. (2005) stated that a low-budget preventive approach would balance the resource allocation in such a manner that the healthcare cost demands might be managed more effectively, and absence of preventative strategies would lead to demise of publicly funded health systems. Although it may appear from this statement that public health interventions and policy changes have brought about the desired changes, in reality there exists a widening gap between the need of chronic disease prevention measures and government responses of implementation. This indicates there a re needs of specific action plans and rigorous implementation measures against these problems (Strong et al. 2005). All these are indicative of the fact that during the second half of the twentieth

Mining and use of Natural resouces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mining and use of Natural resouces - Essay Example olcanoes; the awareness of these hazards has made the modern man life safe through the modification of the houses and other infrastructures (Husain, 2008). The possibility of an earthquake occurring is 100 percent and that means an earthquake can occur anytime and somewhere on the earth. Asserting that an earthquake will occur does not really mean that earthquake has been predicted (U.S. Geological Survey, 2009). Presently, earthquake cannot be predicted but the statement may be true due to the fact that a number of earthquakes (in millions) occur each year, thus, their occurrence daily is in thousands (they are too minute to be located). Earthquake prediction is a possibility in the future. There is an ongoing research done by USGC and other state and federal agencies, private institutions and universities. The reality of earthquake prediction is possible some day in the future but this is only when the mechanisms of earthquake are fully exploited (U.S. Geological Survey, 2009). Industrialization and urbanization are responsible for different types of surface/subsurface water pollution and wastes and it has become mandatory for the schools in the developing countries to offer geoscience education. The neglect of the subject at some level of education (especially at the junior level) has caused the lack of awareness about energy conservation, environmental protection, and the conservation of other geological raw materials (Husain, 2008). With the help of the geology-based assessment methodology, it is estimated that there are about 53 (TCFG) trillion cubic feet of nonassociated natural gas in undiscovered and conventional accumulations and mean volumes of 896 million barrels of oil in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and the adjacent State waters; this is according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The volume of undiscovered oil estimated by U.S. Geological Survey is lower than the one estimated in 2002 and this is due to the recent exploration drilling

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Progress of Women in Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Progress of Women in Middle East - Essay Example In fact Islamic culture never allows women community to develop as rapidly as the men community does. Even in the twenty first century, women in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain etc are facing huge challenges and oppression in their social life. In Saudi Arabia, women are not even allowed to drive their vehicles. The cases of women in other countries in Middle East are also not much different. Dominant male community is causing huge problems to the development of women community in Middle East. Many people believe that the living conditions of Middle Eastern women at present are far better than the Middle Eastern women in the past. The legal system, societal norms, development of science and technology, engineering etc are playing a vital role in the development of women any regions. The cases of Middle East are also not an exception. The call for democratization and the recent incidents in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia forced the Islamic dictators in Middle East to th ink seriously about democratization and giving more freedom to women. This paper analyses how legal system, societal norms, development of science and technology, engineering etc gave momentum to the progress of women in Middle East. In Kuwait, a decade and a half ago, the now late emir promised women suffrage. But that measure was defeated twice by the parliament, including by some liberals, and only passed late in 2005. It will likely take several years before any women actually get elected to the government (Women in the Middle East: Progress or Regress?). Many people have the illusion that the rulers (King or the Emir) are preventing women from getting freedom in the Middle East. In reality, even the so called liberal leaders are not much interested in giving enough freedom to the women community which is evident from the above facts. It should be noted that in most of the Middle Eastern countries, no woman yet to become a minister. In fact the legal systems in Middle East preve nt women from securing top spots in the government. However, the scenario has been changed a lot in the recent past. Sincere efforts are currently made by most of the Middle Eastern governments to give enough participation for women in critical positions. The following statistics give us a clear idea about the developments in legal systems to contribute to the progress of Middle Eastern women. In Morocco, a new family law makes it easier for women to get a divorce, keep custody of their children following a divorce, and puts restrictions on polygamy. Two businesswomen in Saudi Arabia won election to the chamber of commerce. Women hold about 20 percent of the seats in Iraq's national assembly --that's a higher percentage than in the U.S. Congress (Women in the Middle East: Progress or Regress?). It should be noted that even in most important democratic countries such as India or America, women community failed to hold more than 10% of parliament seats. In India, the law enforcing at least 35% women participation in parliament is still under discussion. Under such circumstances, 205 women participation in Iraqi parliament is not a mean act. Even family laws are changing in Middle East at present. Earlier, it was easy for the dominant male community to marry as much as women and divorce them whenever they wanted to do so. The divorced women

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business Research and Professional Skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Research and Professional Skill - Essay Example This is effectively achieved by ways of in themselves creating this very economy of scale; expanding business operations helps them lower the marginal cost of production allowing them to therefore provide a favorable pricing policy within the market. In achieving the aforementioned, firms must build up capacity. The attention of managers-and researchers alike-has been commonly directed towards assets in the sense of physical (fixed and current) and monetary assets (optimal capital structure) of the firm in achieving this objective. Perhaps as an oversight or of limited interest is the aspect of human resource and its contribution towards this end. Human resource policies usually come into light when matters of corporate governance and ethics in business practice are highlighted; and rightly so. A need therefore presents itself to examine whether the scope of human resource policies extend beyond the limited precincts of governance and organizational culture into its influence on capacity building in medium size manufacturing firms aiming to move to the next level of operations. Organizational culture is created for through the organizations core values as stated within the company’s vision, mission and objectives (VMO) clause. The determination of this clause is restricted within the periphery of strategic decision makers involving the top level management (also referred to as C-level management since their usually have a prefix chief in their title for example chief executive officer, chief finance officer, chief marketing director and so on, so forth ). It is this organizational culture that provides identity to the firm within the public, thereby, distinguishing it from other organizations and by extension, their products in the market. Therefore, this research aims at exploring the efficacy of the human resource policies employed as far as the managerial effect contributes to the performance of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Plan - Essay Example The sports drink is prepared through a blend or combination of water, electrolytes and carbohydrates with an aim of helping athletes to recover the electrolytes and energy that is lost during vigorous sports activities. The scientific formulation is presented by the PepsiCo to its market through variant brands such as orange, lemon lime, strawberry kiwi, citrus cooler, fruit punch and blue cool (MarketWatch, 2010). Industry Definition Regardless of the improved performance of the brand in the market, the level of competitiveness in the sports drink market has increased significantly. This is due to new entrants into the market, substitute products and application of competitive strategies by the key players within the sports drink market. In this regard therefore there is a need to develop an effective marketing plan that will be used to enhance the performance of the food drink within the market in addition to achievement of a competitive advantage in the market as opposed to rival products (Zmuda, 2008). Company Analysis PepsiCo, the parent company that produces Gatorade aims at becoming a leader in the production and sale of sports drinks within its markets across the world. This is achieved through an effective strategic leadership approaches and a corporate culture that is focused at high quality human resource management, quality in production, innovativeness and effective marketing (Stanford, 2011). The company’s performance and challenges within the market can be understood through an analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, available opportunities within the market in addition to threats within its markets. The strengths of the company are demonstrated by the high quality of its sports drink, Gatorade. This sports drink is scientifically formulated with elements that are required by individuals who are engaged in strenuous sports activities. Additionally, Gatorade has gained a significantly strong name of its brand within the market. This is attri buted to the popularity of the parent company and the promotional strategies that are employed in popularizing the brand within its local and international markets (Sterrett, 2009). The effectiveness of the scientific formulation in allowing individuals to excel in the physical performance of their exercise and sports activity has led to winning of the loyalty of the customers for the brand. Gatorade sports drink is however faced with weaknesses such as low visibility and advertising and unawareness of the consumers on the benefits of consumption of the product during sports, training and exercising activities. The relatively high price of the product is also argued to be one of the major weaknesses of the brand. Pepsi Co has many opportunities for enhancing the performance and competitiveness of Gatorade within the market. This includes more promotional activities through an integrated marketing communication approach and the use of celebrity endorsements of famous sports personali ties to popularize the brand within its market. In addition, the company has market opportunities of venturing into new scientific formulations such as protein regimens. The company would also add more nutrients to the Gatorade formulation such as vitamins. This is an opportunity that will allow the company to compete with rival brands and sports regimens that present the consumers with highly

Monday, July 22, 2019

The main one being superstition Essay Example for Free

The main one being superstition Essay How has Willy Russel portrayed Mrs. Johnstone and Mrs. Lyons in Blood Brothers? How does he shape the audience response to the two women? I think the author has portrayed Mrs. J as a loving, caring person. She always involves her family when she thinks of life and just thinks of the simple things as luxury, this shows she is quite poor, she doesnt seem to have many things and she just wishes she could make her children happy. Shes always trying to support them and give them everything they want, for example in the catalogue she has tried to keep all the things she picked out from it but she doesnt have the money, it shows shes very soft towards her and her childrens needs, she just wants to get them everything they want but cant afford it, I love the bones of every one of them this shows she loves everything about them, every part of them. She seems to always buy things from the catalogue and always getting the consequences in return, this shows she never learns her lesson. Only mine until the time comes around to pay the bill. Then, Im afraid, what cant be paid must be returned. You never, ever learn, that nothings yours, on easy terms. This proves the point, the idea of having everything for her children is so tempting she just keeps on trying to pay, as though she has some hope that one day when it comes around, she will have the money to pay it. Easy terms is used by the narrator, easy terms means that you pay for something over time but the narrator is using easy terms for Mrs. Johnstone as there will be a price to pay, in the end you will have consequences to your actions, in this case she will pay for giving her child away. The writer uses these lyrics so that they can connect or relate to the audience because everyone has to pay for something in their life, it may not be something you want to do but in the end you have to, its showing that Mrs. Johnstone will always have to pay for what she has done. In the easy terms piece I think you could create a tear-rending scene by having Mrs. Johnstone in a apron or a maids dress to show she is very busy and she works a lot even though its probably not a well paid job. You could have her level with the babies to show the connection she has with them, she doesnt want to scare or intimidate them, she wants to mother them and putting her in this position will show what feelings she feels towards them. Then, Im afraid, this shows she is dreading the idea of what is going to happen. She should have a dreading, saddening face on and look as though she is about to burst into tears. I think the lighting should position a spot light on the babies and Mrs. Johnstone, concentrating on them and showing what is important. The volume of the music should move up and down to show her bursts of emotion but the sadness is shown with the quietness now and then. She is also thinking of her child when she swears on a bible; so that he gets all the things hes ever wanted or needed. We have seen Mrs. J as a kind, giving person and we give the response of sympathy. She has no money, no food, no normal, simple necessities, she just wants to have a care-free life and shes showing she is prepared to work hard for it. I think the author has portrayed Mrs. J as a pushy, selfish person. At the beginning we thought of her with sympathy, her husbands away, she has a big house with no family to fill it with and cannot have the joy of children. You start to see her side on how she has never had a child and craves one so badly that she even dreams of a child she never once had but then, the table turns and we she her bad side. We see her desperate side as she says that you have to swear on a bible, then we see that she is very pushy and selfish, when she says to Mrs.J that she wants the baby right now, this could mean that she doesnt want her to get attached to the baby, making it even more hers. Suddenly we see her pushy side when the baby is in the cot, Mrs. Lyons makes it clear that the baby is hers and that she is the mother from now on. Its even worse when we see she is firing her from her job, breaking a promise and even threatening her when she says she is going to tell someone, turning the blame to Mrs. J. We then see that Mrs. Lyons has a very dark side to her as she uses superstition against Mrs.J, knowing that, that is her weakness. In a way I can see her point of view, this is her chance to take what shes always wanted, to make her life perfect and she is never going to let it slip away since its so close to reach for. The response he is trying to get from the audience is a hated view, that she is a very terrible person and that she is doing all she can to get what she wants regardless of other peoples feelings. The play is about a number of things. The main one being superstition. Mrs. J starts the superstition in the play by telling Mrs.L to take the new shoes off the table because it is bad luck.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Mentoring Account In Nursing Practice Nursing Essay

My Mentoring Account In Nursing Practice Nursing Essay This is my reflective account of my performance as a mentor in clinical setting, assessing the learning environment and the strategies used for teaching and assessing a student nurse. I have been mentoring student and newly qualified theatre practitioner for many years as a registered nurse for more than 20 years and as a qualified anaesthetic practitioner for 3 years. Working alongside with different mentors in the past help me to understand the different characteristics of being a mentor and developed my own style of facilitating learning within a clinical setting. I have unique experienced of conveying knowledge to others in a way that is comprehensible and significant through my work as a multi-skilled theatre practitioner. Because this assignment is a reflection of my performance in mentoring and assessing a student in nursing practice, Gibbs reflective cycle (1998) will be used the same model I used when I did my University post graduate course 3 years ago. Currently the hospital has program of mentoring university students and newly graduates. The program is in addition to the current program that familiarise students and new graduates to the theatre they will be assigned. It considers influencing the students learning experience by mentorship and assessment. The surgical setting as a learning environment will be examined and the accountability and value of the role of a mentor will be looked upon at. Finally, the overall performance of mentoring will be evaluated. To follow the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC2008) names will be changed and withheld confidential information and the student will be named as my mentee. According to the NMC (2006) students on NMC approved pre-registration nursing course be required to be supported and assessed by a mentor. The nurses / operating department practitioners selected to be mentors should be in the register and should be required to be up to date with their skills, knowledge and competencies with continuity. On the first day of my mentee right after her orientation, we have drawn up her learning opportunities so that there was an awareness of what my mentee hoped to gain from the operating theatre experience. As part of the course work one teaching session and one assessment were arranged. Teaching session includes informal and formal. The formal session happened in the theatre operating room and involved positioning of patients before surgery. My mentee was on her first clinical placement and is not familiar and no experience within a theatre setting. Present during the procedure were myself, my mentee, the rest of the theatre team and an unconscious patient under general anaesthesia. Before any learning lesson took place, it is crucial to build an effective working relationship with the student (Bally, J, 2007). Being kind to her and offering assistance for any needs she might have. My mentee feel that she is part of the team and that she wont feel alone. I build up her confidence by expressing to her that at any point of the teaching session if she did not understand a protocol, or why things were done, or why that thing is important, I will be there to explain and guide her. Learner must be made feel that they are welcome and important; this way will assist the learner to incorporate themselves into the clinical environment (Welsh and Swan 2006). Being approachable and friendly I was enabled to maintain a trusting and comfortable relationship beneficial to learning. My student felt that my character has a strong professional relationship throughout the learning experience. According to the student I am mentoring with, the relationship reduced her tension and anxiety which can affect her ability to learn. Anxiety in students happen to diminished when the mentors are capable of building good working relationship with the students for almost their entire placement (Slevin 2005). Openly welcoming and recognising my student in the team give her a sense of valued as an individual resulting in a positive effect on their self esteem. Personal attributes of the mentor is sometimes the number one barrier when creating effective learning experience. You need to be a good role model to be a good mentor. When I was a nursing student in my own country, I had mentors who were good role models where I learned more and given a chance to share my ideas and feel that I was valued. The results were I enjoyed my placement and excelled in my learning outcomes. To be a successful mentor, it is important that you will find ways to improve the learning environment. It can be a difficult task when creating suitable environment and can affect the learning experience. Nursing students has different backgrounds. Some had good experience working in a healthcare setting as healthcare assistant before entering to University while some just went straight to enrol in a nursing course; therefore, it is necessary to make an appropriate environment for each individual to take full advantage of the learning process (Lowenstein and Bradshaw 2004). The setting for the formal learning session was demanding as my mentee was not familiar working in a hospital theatre based environment. The chosen location was a theatre where it is located at the most secluded area to minimise interruption. This will ensure that my student will give her full attention during the teaching session. Evaluation of the learning process and assessment of the effectiveness of the session will help me to achieve by good planning of teaching session Hinchcliffe (2004). Numerous teaching sessions took place before assessment was done to guarantee that my mentee will feel confident and gained the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out the procedure. We involved each other thru direct questioning, discussion and observation and my mentee is fully aware that she has been assessed at the time of questioning. I taken into account in which the manner my mentee learns as it is important to recognize her learning style so that it can be incorporated to the learning material to facilitate effective learning (McNair et al 2007). Recognizing her individual learning style helps me to arrange her learning preferences. According to Kolb (1984) there are four distinct styles of learning or preferences which are based on four stages, diverging, assimilating, converging and accommodating learning styles. Although mentor and learner has different learning styles the NMC (2006) has developed a standard which point out that mentors have to strive and achieve best fit practice with the level and type of learners that they came upon in training as mentors and learners has different learning styles. It was felt that my mentee is a reflector as she likes to be given adequate time to think things through before reaching to conclusion. She also likes to observe in contrast to direct participation and slow to make up her mind and reach a decision as opposed to her as good in listening and assimilating information. For that reason the diverging learning style was applied for best possible learning. On a variety of occasions, it was clear that my mentee is good in watching a procedure before performing it. Prior to the start of any session, together we made proper visual checks and verbal questionings to the patient and noted in the pre-operative checklist. I pointed out that confirming the patients correct details is of paramount importance and one of the many safety issues she has to consider. Knowing that we have the correct person and the correct procedure, my mentee told me that she is happy and confident to proceed. Surgical room department is one of the most stressful environme nt in the hospital, thus, we give our student an assurance and support that they need from us. When doing the safety positioning of patient before surgery, I was talking to my mentee through the procedure step by step as I put the patient under anaesthesia, intubating and positioning the patient for a procedure. A number of questions followed to test my mentees understanding of the process and she correctly prioritised the order of step by step procedure. In this assessment, my mentee demonstrated theoretically her ability to integrate to the team to provide safe and effective care for the patient. It was also felt that my mentee was learning in an andragogical way, the teaching methods for adult learners, a term used by Knowles (1970). This became obvious when drawing up her learning opportunities. As the formal session involved not only my mentee it was felt that all different types of the learning styles should be consider as every student had their own styles of learning. Realising what the individual characters and needs is important for learning to be effective. Audio-visual materials were used for teaching as this type of learning aids can speed up learning through the use of diverse senses (Neeraja 2008).It is evident that group work allowed the student to produce a working relationship and expectation and it made the learning environment enjoyable and gives me a greater insight into different learning styles when doing it within a group. A written self-assessment followed the session to support my student to assess her strengths and weaknesses. This style of assessment can be valuable for the students as when they assessed themselves can occasionally focus on a negative or limitation. This gives me a chance to advise and correct the weakness and help to point out positi ve aspects of my mentees practice (Welsh and Swann 2006). I told my mentee that she needs to improve her self confidence to make a speedy safe decision before and during a procedure. I also pointed out some concerns on her practice document leaving it out to the last minute and be assertive enough to get it filled in at a regular intervals. Also discussed was her progress and conversely how she taught she was doing. At this point I discussed her development and that she is progressing well and that I was very pleased with her overall performance. I ended the review of her performance with a sandwich feedback (Hinchcliff 2004). It consists of giving not so good feedback inserted between positive feedbacks. My mentee was pleased to fulfil her learning objectives and that she enjoyed the way teaching happens as I took into consideration her individual learning style. She pointed out that an up to date induction pack before placement will be of big help as it makes her less anxious about working in the different surgical department after only having her hospital placements. An action plan has been drawn in response to this. The website directory of the university has been made up to date so students can now access up to date information in relation to this placement. Students should be provided with an induction pack as it will prepare them for the placement ahead (RCN 2007). On reflection the learning experience in general was very encouraging as my mentee was able to accomplish her competencies in an environment conducive to learning. I was able to established effective working relationship and leadership with by influencing and being a role model. By acting as a role model in clinical setting and looking to address natural obstacles in the surgical theatres as operating room are known to be full of activity and issues with staffing levels which contribute to effectiveness on the quality of assessing students (Phillips et al, 2000). I probably could not only develop myself and my student but also other mentors conduct and practice in a constructive way (Girvin 1998). My mentee has given me a positive feedback on my performance as her mentor and made very supportive and encouraging comments. She felt she was fully integrated into the learning environment and thought she was part of the surgical team. Upon reflecting on what I have found difficult about the learning experience, I found that as a mentor I can be faced with different forms of liability as I should be able to validate the marks given for an assessment. As a registered professional, I am accountable in the decisions I will make and must act in the best interests of service users (HCPC 2012). This is obviously no different to the role of the mentor and assessment of student in clinical practice. For that reason, assessing my students competencies brings the same responsibility I have to my patients (Jarvis and Gibson, 1997). After much examination and evaluation of the whole learning experience, I am looking forward to further develop my role as mentor to be a good contributor in educating future nurses. I will attempt to speak more slowly and clearly and learning more about my student before the assessment. I would consider gaining feedback of my student performance from my colleagues as it would allow taking into account the view of other professionals to promote clinical excellence and professionalism. To conclude, mentoring and assessing is fundamental in helping the student to have a complete learning experience. Mentors and student should outline their aims and objectives at the beginning and a professional relationship should be preserved throughout. Assessing nursing student is paramount in delivering a safe and competent nursing care.

Benefits of Education for Society

Benefits of Education for Society Benefit of the education: Education a tool for progress Abstract This document shows us some educative system that change social status of the society and how the education is a perfect mechanism for finding the economic stability of a country. This research is based on fact of countries that had suffered key change using to the education how way for building a competitive civilization. Moreover, Finn educative system has been the best of the world without pressures to students. When they choose subjects, class schedules with the purpose of having brilliant students that supply their knowledge at the community. It decreased the levels of poverty in developing cities. So, this country focused in creating groups people working together for finding big profits on an environment complex. In addition, government have implemented extreme laws as free education since the first education years until university. In this nation, all is free including educative material, meal and transport producing big result as the first country in innovation. Besides, time moderns had put on evidence that the world continually modify different aspects as educational, economic and social.   It has seen the need of finding other solutions based in the creativity and the innovation that request to progress with the time. So, technology is the result of people who look for show their investigations through constant experiments. Nowadays, it serves as support material for creating an easy learning to students that allow them development their thought creative. Education: A tool for progress The educational systems influence in the student dynamics facilitating the learning with techniques that allow the development mental and psychological of the students. However, obsolete educational models is ending with the critical thought of the youth. Due to, classes are not interactive between professor and student or student and student getting a level low of learning in comparison of other countries. It connects the real world with the imaginary established possibilities for the progress where the only benefited has been the humanity. It has meant a halted society in the past without future. However, could new educational methods serves as a window to successful? Challenges of the human being are strategic approaches designs depending on the necessities that turn around of our environment. In other words, it means our world is created on base of people who has seen and thought of a way different. So, some countries adopt at the education as a form for the progress and create new policies on profit of the knowledge until get a stability economy of a country on development process. Then, it allow to develop scientist mind through experiments based experience accumulations that in an unexpected moment appearance and transformed our life. Therefore, we have to mention to the creativity and at the innovation as resources of development on a future closer. The Knowledge Builds Cities The researcher spirit is inside of each person like a faded diamond that only need to polish for having a shine. It means that the people since they are children need to have more attention and a correct education for developing a set of ideas in front of any event. It will allow them improving to generate big solutions in look for excellent. But, in the traditional educative systems, students go to the classes for staying in their seat and do not interact in the classes. At the result, that country stays in the past. The humanity requests changes constants on educative models and at the same time a dedication about effects produced on the youth. However, countries advance to big step that decrease its resources until cause damage irreversible. Here, the education is an important role because, it creates mechanics that help to eradicate problems with simple solutions based on idea rains according to a think way. Educative institutions are held to Government laws apply their form of leading a nation. In this situation, the new mechanics tend to lose their figure on the development model technologic and industrial. But, there are countries where the public sectors have their space. So as, Hancock (2011) explain that In 1963, the Finnish Parlia-ment made the bold decision to choose public education as its best shot at economic recovery. Finland recently has been the attention center at worldwide level on education because this country has the best educative system of the world. This change began 40 years ago when they used at the education as only possible of thriving on the economy. This program takes many time until on 2000 year was the first evaluation done by Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) with a standardized test showing that Finland had the best readers of the world, on few time after they was the best in math. In 2009, PISA put to Nordic state on second place in science, in third place in reading and six place in math. So, they performed that education is the key of the successful. Due to, government post at the education as a mechanism for leaving of the poverty and compete worldwide. This system is success on two important aspects: Educative Model The education is free for all Finn with any economic levels receive the same knowledge and children begin school life at 7 years old. The primary education has a length of six years during this time, they have classes with the same professor each subject. They attend at the school few hours each student learns to think in the different educative levels are integrated in one only body. In other words, there is not a transition since initial education, school primary, college until university. Professor It is the career more difficult because the students must study hard for getting excellent grades. The major of students want to follow a teaching career because it has big prestige and is a respectable figure. Although, the professor salary is not high as others professions, it has huge petition in society. This carrier is enough demanding for the students but each university admits only 10% of the total of candidates. In addition, duration of this university career is five years, three years they study for a bachelor ´s degree and two years for a specialization obligatory on master. When students finish his teaching career, majority of graduate choose the childhood as the resource of knowledge on a society in building. In short, they consider that the childhood is starting point for future changes of their country. Also, children have curiosity for learning and know things that are around. All Finland people trust in the knowledge of their teachers and usually need them help about something that they do not know. Because, the community knows that students with excellent qualifications access to the teaching. Innovation and Creativity The innovation is the source of the wealth on setting of the creativity, a transition that breaks the traditional diagrams below the light of fresh ideas promoting  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   the art of thinking.   So as, Robinson (2010) explain that In fact, creativity which I define as the process of having original ideas that have value more often than not comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things. Then, the tactic discipline puts on evidence creation of a right behavior directed interchange of ideas between people. Occasionally, the scientists use simple ideas like hypothesis for arriving to a general idea (thesis) in middle of these two points exist innumerable experimental processes. So, there are great creations start with simple answer and follow a sequence logical of thoughts until get a purpose. For instance, the technology since its creation on the century XXI has united borders and has destroyed obstacles on the field social and on construction of new knowledge. Nowadays, the professors and students have benefit on the learning and the teaching through computational programs orient to create more invent in basing of invent created. However, it needs economic investment of local governments and contribution of private companies for an excellent educative level. That is to say, the better investment is in the education. In addition, some invents serve like experimental models for the next generation. It attracts attention of the students and possibility of creating a revolutionary idea. Creativity designs a path of chances on crisis times. Creative uses passion as the motor to develop an activity and involving the imagination in the prediction about something that will happen or happened. Humans are the only with capacity compose, create, invent, build cities and buildings. We live in an imaginary world where everything around us is the end product of an idea that someone had. So, if we put our neurons to work we are able to advance, progress, start our projects and face new challenges. Although, sometimes we have possibility of making mistakes, this not must be impediment because stumbling leads to a good idea. Therefore, we all have capacity to create and to imagine but we must learn to develop it in the same way that we learn to read. Senegal (2016) said that Technology is progressively replacing manual labour and pervading how we live and work. So, the creativity revolutionizes the learning and changing the social status of a generation that advances continuously using new methods on the education. Modern methodologies offer a variety of solutions with the building of investigation centers. It has gotten good profit and the quote of investigators for the modern world. In conclusion, this research have found important aspects that is changing the world since human beings use their physical abilities or intellectuals for creating something. However, some people is following old methods that do not allow developing a creative though with activities focused to future world. On the other hand, new study techniques propose radical changes in the behavior mental in front of challenges of a society that search getting an equilibrium social and economic. So, each epoch marks the end and the beginning of something new where creativity plays an important role in the advance or deterioration of a civilization. References Compton, A. (Direccià ³n). (2012). The Finland Phenomenon [Pelà ­cula]. Hancock, L. (- de 09 de 2011). Obtenido de Ossola, A. (12 de 11 de 2014). The Atlantic. Obtenido de The Atlantic: Robinson, K. (2010). Ted Ideas Worth Spreading. Obtenido de Ted Ideas Worth Spreading: Segal, S. (20 de 5 de 2016). World Economic Forum. Obtenido de World Economic Forum:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Buying Favor: Why Congress Depends on Funding From Special Interests Es

There is a problem with Congress. The previous sentence summarizes the collective sentiment of the general public concerning the legislative branch of the federal government. A 2010 Gallop poll revealed that over eighty-nine percent of Americans have no confidence in Congress (Lessig 2). It is theorized that Congress is so far out of favor because it has been unable to resolve the nation’s most important issues, such as Medicare, Medicaid, immigration reform, and the growing budget deficit, due to seemingly trivial reasons. Some theorize this lack of significant legislative action is due to growing partisanship between the system’s dominate political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. According to Mark Brewer, â€Å"Politicians†¦are more likely to support their party and oppose the other party today than any other time since the 1950s (219).† Another hypothesis explaining the lack of legislative action by Congress is the special in terest theory. According to the theory’s advocates, the Congress has not accomplished much because of the institution’s dependency on large-scale campaign contributions; and these donors would rather there be little regulation or regulations supporting their specific industry. To support this hypothesis, Harvard University law professor Lawrence Lessig authored Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress–and a Plan to Stop It in 2011. The book details the effect of campaign funding by special interests and its effect on congressmembers and government policies. Within Republic, Lost, Lessig attempts to draw interest to the issue he believes is the reason for the federal government’s inactivity: dependence corruption. He argues congressmembers have become unresponsive to the will ... ...ed States Trade Representative. â€Å"Statement by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk on Congressional Passage of Trade Agreements, Trade Adjustment Assistance and Key Preference Programs.† Web. 4 May 2012. . â€Å"Public Support for Increased Trade, Except With South Korea and China.† 9 Nov. 2010. Pew Research Center. Web. 4 May 2012. Tea Party Platform. â€Å"Ten Core Beliefs of the Modern-Day Tea Party Movement.† 2011. Web. 4 May 2012. . United States Bureau of the Census. â€Å"Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010.† By Thom File and Sarah Crissy. May 2010. Census Bureau. Web. 4 May 2012. .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Andrew Carnegie :: essays research papers

Andrew Carnegie was not only an outstanding industrialist, but also a great philanthropist. In the excerpt from page 105, Carnegie is stating that an end to Individualism would result in a revolution not an evolution because it is changing human nature itself, and there would be no way to know if it would even be a change for the better. This excerpt was one trying to convey a communist utopia; a policy of working for the better of each other, not just for the individual alone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This concept of ending Individualism and beginning one class of people, is one that arises with each leader (especially communist) trying to change a society during this period of history. I don’t believe, however, that Andrew Carnegie was trying to become a leader or begin a revolution. He was strictly stating his opinions on wealth and in turn giving that wealth away. Carnegie was a man of many contradictions. He was the wealthiest human being of all time, and he was convinced of the value of poverty in developing character.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Carnegie’s later life, I believe he had realized his selfishness with his wealth and felt the need to give it away. In the excerpt, I feel he was assessing his own situation of wealth and was trying to encourage the rest of mankind to not live the type of life he had experienced. He stated, â€Å"it is a nobler ideal that man should labor, not for himself alone, but in and for a brotherhood of his fellows, and share with them all in common†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I sense that the reason he made this statement was to encourage mankind to give away their wealth and not hold it for their own possession. Carnegie felt that society should work together instead of individually.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In many ways I agree with his statement, but I don’t feel that this is a feasible concept. Individualism is something I wouldn’t want taken away from me because I wouldn’t be able to have that constant desire to better myself.

Cloning and Bioethics :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Cloning and Bioethics Bioethics, which is the study of value judgments pertaining to human conduct in the area of biology and includes those related to the practice of medicine, has been an important aspect of all areas in the scientific field (Bernstein, Maurice, M.D.).   It is one of the factors that says whether or not specific scientific research can go on, and if it can, by which rules, regulations and guidelines it must abide by.    One of the most recent and controversial issues facing our society today is the concept of cloning.   On February 23, 1997, Ian Wilmut, a Scottish scientist, along with his colleagues at the Roslin Institute and PPL Therapeutics, announced to the world that they had cloned a lamb, which they named Dolly, after Dolly Parton, from an adult sheep (Mario,Christopher).   The two share the same nucleic DNA, but differ in terms of their mitochondrial DNA, which is vitally important for the regulation of the cell.   The media and the press ignored this fact, and thus claimed that Dolly and her 'mother' were genetically identical, which sparked a fury of outcry all around the world.   The technique of transferring a nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg cell of which the nucleus had been removed, called nuclear transplantation, is an extension of research that had been ongoing for over 40 years. Up until now, scientists thought that adult cells could not be "reprogrammed" to behave like a fertilized egg and create an embryo, but the evidence obtained by Dolly's success prove otherwise.   The issues of cloning have been around for a long time, starting with the publication of Joshua Lederberg's 1966 article on cloning in the American Naturalist.   The public's interest has been perked by many sci-fi books, films, and movies including Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel "Brave New World," 1973's "Sleeper," the 1978 film "The Boys from Brazil".   Most recently, the movie "Multiplicity" dealt with replicating Billy Crystal over and over (Mario, Christopher).   The ethical, legal, and moral issues aroused by cloning have been raised by previous projects, and are now simply emerging again, with its focus on three major points: the shift from sexual reproduction with that of asexual replication of existing genes; the ability to predetermine the genes of a child; and the ability to c reate many genetically identical children (Report/Recommendations of the NBAC). The public responded to Dolly with a mixture of fear and excitement, questioning the benefits and the disasters that could happen in the future if research was to continue. Cloning and Bioethics :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics Cloning and Bioethics Bioethics, which is the study of value judgments pertaining to human conduct in the area of biology and includes those related to the practice of medicine, has been an important aspect of all areas in the scientific field (Bernstein, Maurice, M.D.).   It is one of the factors that says whether or not specific scientific research can go on, and if it can, by which rules, regulations and guidelines it must abide by.    One of the most recent and controversial issues facing our society today is the concept of cloning.   On February 23, 1997, Ian Wilmut, a Scottish scientist, along with his colleagues at the Roslin Institute and PPL Therapeutics, announced to the world that they had cloned a lamb, which they named Dolly, after Dolly Parton, from an adult sheep (Mario,Christopher).   The two share the same nucleic DNA, but differ in terms of their mitochondrial DNA, which is vitally important for the regulation of the cell.   The media and the press ignored this fact, and thus claimed that Dolly and her 'mother' were genetically identical, which sparked a fury of outcry all around the world.   The technique of transferring a nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg cell of which the nucleus had been removed, called nuclear transplantation, is an extension of research that had been ongoing for over 40 years. Up until now, scientists thought that adult cells could not be "reprogrammed" to behave like a fertilized egg and create an embryo, but the evidence obtained by Dolly's success prove otherwise.   The issues of cloning have been around for a long time, starting with the publication of Joshua Lederberg's 1966 article on cloning in the American Naturalist.   The public's interest has been perked by many sci-fi books, films, and movies including Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel "Brave New World," 1973's "Sleeper," the 1978 film "The Boys from Brazil".   Most recently, the movie "Multiplicity" dealt with replicating Billy Crystal over and over (Mario, Christopher).   The ethical, legal, and moral issues aroused by cloning have been raised by previous projects, and are now simply emerging again, with its focus on three major points: the shift from sexual reproduction with that of asexual replication of existing genes; the ability to predetermine the genes of a child; and the ability to c reate many genetically identical children (Report/Recommendations of the NBAC). The public responded to Dolly with a mixture of fear and excitement, questioning the benefits and the disasters that could happen in the future if research was to continue.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bad Student Essay

With the turn of the century, the American young republic entered upon an era of (1) expansion and development which can be described only as marvelous. The rapid progress in the settlement of the West, the influx of foreign immigration, the growth of the larger cities, extension of (2) transportation systems by construction of canals and government roads, application of the new inventions employing the power of steam in river navigation and on railroads, — these features (3) of American progress during the first fifty years in our first completed century of national existence can be here but thus briefly summarized. It is unnecessary to attempt (4) a full historical outline of that period growth and change except to note that coincidentally with this expansive period of material prosperity and growth, our national literature entered upon what we may not inaptly term (5) its golden age – the age of its best essayists, novelists and poets, (6) our real American men of letters There were (7) evidences of literary activity in Boston, in Philadelphia, and in New York. Little groups of literati, as they liked to call themselves, mightily interested in the development of a national literature, gave an atmosphere that was helpful to literary effort; and they themselves accomplished what could be accomplished by interest, (8) patriotism and industry when joined with talent, modest if not of only average standard. They are the (9) Knickerbockers writers, so called (10) in respect to the old Dutch traditions of Manhattan, the spirit of which was directly inherited by most of them, and the influence of which appeared to some extent in their work. a. evidences of  b. in respect to the old Dutch traditions c. Knickerbockers d. expansion and development e. a full historical outline of that period growth f. patriotism and industry g. transportation systems by construction of canals h. our real American men of letters i. of American progress during the first fifty years j. its golden age Question 2: Write down the literary periods of the American Literature in the answer box on the answer sheet. (2. 0 ms) PART B: STORY ANALYSIS (6. 0 pts) 1. From Franklin’s â€Å"Entrance into Philadelphia†, point out the facts that illustrate the kind of man he was. 2. Why was he a famous writer in the time? What kind of contributions – literature or politics or sociology – did he make to the young nation? Do you like his writing? Please explain why or why not? The End STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO USE ONLY PAPER DICTIONARY. TEST B Question 1: Complete the text with words or phrases provided (2. 0 pts) CHARACTERISTICS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE The United States has such a large and (1) varied literature. that we can make no true generalizations about it. But three characteristics seem (2) to stand out and give it a flavor all its own. First, American literature reflects (3) beliefs and traditions that come from the nation’s frontier days. The pioneer ideals (4) of self-reliance and independence appear again and again in American writings. American authors have great respects for (5) the value and importance of individual They tend to reject authority and (6) to emphasize democracy and equality of men. Second, American writers have always had a strong tendency to (7) break with literary traditions and strike out in their own directions. Many writers have (8) rejected the old in order to create something new. Third, a (9) lively streak of humor runs through American literature from the earliest times to the present. In many cases a dash of salty humor saves a serious theme from becoming too sentimental. American humor tends to be exaggerated rather than subtle. It reflects the people’s ability (10) to laugh at themselves during the most difficult times. a. rejected the old b. the value and importance of individual c. to laugh at themselves d. to emphasize e. of self-reliance and independence f. break with literary traditions g. lively streak of humor h. to stand out and give it  i. beliefs and traditions j. varied literature Question 2: Match the authors and their works or philosophy (2. 0 pts) AUTHORS 11. Benjamin Franklin/e. 12. Ralph Waldo Emerson/c. 13. Earnest Hemingway/b. 14. Washington Irving/ a. 15. Mark Twain/d. WORKS a. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow b. The Old Man and the Sea c. Transcendentalism d. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer e. The Autobiography PART B: LITERARY ANALYSIS (6. 0 pts) Read the poem â€Å"How Happy Is the Little Stone† by Emily Dickinson† below. Then answer the questions by writing a short composition How happy is the little stone  That rambles in the road alone And doesn’t care about careers And exigencies never fears Whose coat of elemental brown A passing universe put on; And independent as the sun, Associates or glows alone Fulfilling absolute decree In casual simplicity NOTE: exigencies: an urgent need or demand that you must deal with decree: rule or law casual: not formal Question 1: Analyze the poem to tell the author’s ideas embedded in it. Question 2: Have you ever wished to have such a happy life like the â€Å"little stone†? Why or why not? STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO USE ONLY PAPPER DICTIONARY. The End